Tips Centre Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Blaster worm is dead? Common opinion was rather yes as after detention of Jeffrey Lee Parson, a Minnesota's teenager who was made a scapegoat of the case of the worm mass-propagation and attack on Microsoft which happened in 2003, the worm's detections were not been reported in large for several years. However, such a powerful infection could not be wiped away all at once as its traces would anyway remain.

Indeed, the family of the worm includes the following variants:


Times by time, some of these variants are detected in worth considering quantities, and users again and again experience sudden system reboots and suffer other inconvenience.

The entire problem is based upon notorious Windows error. Microsoft keep relevant fix available at its website in the following releases of its bulletin: MS03-026 and later in MS03-039.

Please pay attention that these fixes do not remove W32.Blaster.Worm, as well as any of its B to F variant. On applying the fix you get rid of the errors due to which the worm managed to infiltrate into your computer system, while the worm itself is subject to another action, W32.Blaster.Worm removal.

The infection was programmed to arrange botnets and, as soon as a botnet is big enough, instruct it to attack targeted websites. For instance, the aforementioned Mr. Parson was accused and found guilty of intrusting botnet he had created by means of spreading the worm to attack one of the Microsoft's website that provided updates for installed versions of Windows.

However, currently people deal rather with the remaining worm copies, which are not coordinated from any remote machine – such case might happen though. Hence they are concerned with the worm's side effects. On the other hand, victims of the worm of all times were rather concerned with the side-effects rather with that they are engaged in some space-scale scam. That is quite understandable as the side-effects are forced reboots usually explained by Windows message referring to Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service terminated unexpectedly and other errors provoked by the worm. Also, a compromised PC might be unable to connect to a range of websites, its drives might become invisible, and software installed might fail to execute many of its functions.

As you can see, removal of W32.Blaster.Worm remains a topical issue.

Article Source: Article Base

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