Tips Centre Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Solution of Custom Posts Pagination Problem In Wordpress

I was once trapped in the problem of pagination of custom posts in wordpress. Whenever, I clicked on any page number then I got the 404 error page.

I searched a lot on web to get the solution of that problem but I did not get any solution. I did not lose hope and tried again and again. Atlast, I found the solution for custom posts problem in wordpress.

The solution is really simple and is given below:

The name of custom post type must be different from page slug name. If page slug name and custom post type name are same then paging will not work and you will be redirected to 404 error page.

So, always keep the different names for page slug name and custom post type name. I hope this will solve your problem as well. I have spent a lot of time in getting the solution of custom posts paging in wordpress.

Tags: Custom Posts Pagination, Custom Posts Type Paging, Wordpress, Wordpress Custom Posts, 404 Wordpress Error Page, Slug, Page Slug, Custom Posts Paging Solution

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