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How to choose the perfect PC monitoring and User/Employee monitoring solution?

PC monitoring software allows you to monitor all activities on company computers and prevent the unauthorized distribution of sensitive corporate information. Corporate information security has always been a top business priority. There is a growing need for solutions that provide the functionality to analyze employee activities during business hours, and protect the company's confidential information.

Employee monitoring software allows you to effectively prevent, detect, respond, monitor and review measures to reduce perceived risks of corporate data loss. IT professionals who implement such monitoring software solutions can adequately monitor company resources for data breaches or prevent these breaches from occurring.

Main features of User and Employee Monitoring Software:

  • Social Network Monitoring – all actions taken in Facebook, Twitter, Classmates or VKontakte are tracked and analyzed. You are able to see private messages, photos and other materials viewed by the user.
  • Search Term Tracking – it is possible to track and analyze all searches performed in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
  • Analytics modules generate charts and statistics on how much time is spent playing games, running applications, visiting websites, or chatting in IM.
  • Screen Capture – screenshots are taken every few minutes and may be accessed through the admin panel.
  • IM and email correspondence is tracked and analyzed, and may be accessed through the admin panel.
  • Built-in key logger provides you with user passwords for social networks and other login-only websites.
  • Stealth Mode – in this mode the entire system is hidden from the PC-user, so it is very hard to locate all Monitoring Software processes.
  • It is possible to track all file activity, printed documents, USB connections, application installation and much more.

Implementing User/Employee Monitoring Software allows you to evaluate and increase your company's work efficiency, and also increases the level of corporate data security. PC monitoring software allows the tracking of email correspondence, including content and attached files, as email is one of the main data loss channels. All PC user activity is tracked and monitored by User/Employee Monitoring Solutions, allowing you to evaluate his work time efficiency.

Main features of a corporate data security and employee monitoring software should be as follows:

  • User/Employee monitoring and tracking
  • Advanced statistics and reports on the use of work time
  • Corporate data loss prevention – alerts and notifications
  • Stealth mode installation and monitoring

Who needs employee/user monitoring and data loss prevention software:

  • Corporate Security Manager
  • HR Manager
  • System Administrator

What PC monitoring software and employee monitoring software is used for:

  • Gather work time efficiency statistics
  • Easily control your employees in real-time mode
  • Improve discipline and motivation of your employees

Article Source: Articles Base

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